Do you know your rights to free school transport in England?

1 min read

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Tags: education, podcast, school transport

Most children make their own way to school, accompanied by their parents or independently if they are older. For some disabled children, this may not be possible.

This might be because their school is too far away, or because they are not able to walk or use public transport in the same way as other children.

Local authorities must make free travel arrangements for these children.

In the latest episode of our podcast, The helpful podcast for families with disabled children, our education parent adviser Lesley explains home to school transport for 5-16 year olds in England. That’s children of compulsory school age.

Lesley covers what criteria local authorities use to decide who gets free school transport; how to apply for school transport; and what to do if your request is refused.

Listen to the episode below, and subscribe to our popular podcast on your favourite platform.

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