Home News & views Does your child have learning disabilities or an autism spectrum condition?
2 mins read
Tuesday 28 January 2020
Please note: The event advertised in this news story has ended.
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is the main benefit for disabled children and is there to help meet the extra costs of being disabled.
Most children who get the higher rate of the mobility component qualify on the basis that physical problems severely restrict their ability to walk. However, even if your child has no physical problems with walking, they might still qualify for the higher rate of mobility if their behaviour is very difficult to deal with. This most usually applies to children with a learning disability or autism spectrum disorder.
An award of the higher rate mobility component gives automatic entitlement to the ‘Blue Badge’ which helps with parking, and access to the Motability scheme which helps you lease a car. It may also lead to an exemption from road tax. So if your child does qualify, it can help make life easier by meeting those extra costs.
To qualify, there are certain rules that have to be met. These rules are complex, so we are inviting you to a special Facebook Q&A with a focus on claiming the higher rate of the DLA mobility component for children with learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorders. If you want to know more about this important benefit, our Family Finance advisers will be on hand to answer any questions you have on our Facebook page on Thursday 28 May between 2-4 pm.
To find out more about whether your child might qualify for the DLA high rate mobility component, how to claim it, or you are worried about how to describe your child’s needs – join us on Facebook on Thursday 28 May between 2-4 pm.
We have lots of information about DLA and other benefits on our website. Take a look at our Common Questions Tool for information about some of the most popular topics we get asked about or see our factsheet on claiming DLA if your child has learning difficulties or autism spectrum disorders.
We also have a full length guide which explains in detail how to answer all the questions on the DLA Child1 form.
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