How is our medical information checked?

2 mins read

The information on each medical condition has been reviewed by a medical expert in the field, usually consultant level or equivalent. With some very rare conditions, there may only be a few experts that know a significant amount of information about the condition.

Details of authorship appear at the bottom of each page along with the author’s position and their affiliation.

Medical entries where we link out to trusted sources of information are reviewed on an annual basis.

Browse our A-Z list of conditions.

For non-medical information or general information the article may be written by the in-house editors.

If you can’t find a medical condition

If a medical condition is not in our A-Z list, we may still be able to help. We have access to a database with more than 2,000 conditions with links to further information. We will only pass on information written and verified by medical professionals.

Please contact our freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555 for more information. Our helpline advisers are not medically qualified and unable to provide medical advice or opinions.

We also provide information on common health concerns, diagnosis and rare conditions.


Although great care has been taken in the compilation and preparation of all medical information to ensure accuracy, Contact cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

The same medical conditions can affect children in different ways and some information sources may give the worst-case scenario. Any medical information by Contact is for education/information purposes and is not designed to replace medical advice.

You should share any information you find with a medical professional delivering your care to see how it applies to you. Any links to external websites have been carefully selected, but are provided without any endorsement of the content of those sites.

Information last updated February 2024 by Rachel Gibson, Rare Conditions Information Officer, Contact.