Encouraging positive behaviour in young children

Disabled children may present as having challenging behaviour for a variety of reasons. 

In early years settings, it is very important to understand the difference between challenging behaviour caused by a disability and behaviour that is consistent with a child starting to understand the world around them. Equally important is learning how to manage this behaviour effectively and understanding what support is available as that child enters the education system. 

Mastering these skills can be vital for both parents themselves and for professionals. OFSTED and CQC guidance advises professionals and carers to work in a person-centred way and to be creative in order to minimise behaviour that presents as challenging. 

Who is the course for? 

This course is designed to support the parents of young children who have difficulty with challenging behaviour. It is based on the most recent good practice guidance and parent carers themselves as experts in their own experience. 

By the end of the course, participants will: 

We also have information on our website on behaviour that challenges

Prices and booking 

To allow individual issues to be raised and discussed, family workshops are limited to a maximum of 12 places. 

For information about group booking or multiple purchases, or to book a course, just get in touch: