Related information Universal CreditUniversal Credit is a new benefit for people of working age. It is paid both to people who are out of work and to those in employment. Changes in circumstancesCertain changes in circumstances can mean that the benefits you receive for your disabled child or for your family might change. Your child’s needs increase If your child’s needs increase, it may help you qualify for a disability benefit for the first time. For example, you might now qualify where you have been refused benefit […] Benefits calculatorUse theTurn2Us benefits calculator to find out what benefits and other sources of financial help you might be entitled to.
Universal CreditUniversal Credit is a new benefit for people of working age. It is paid both to people who are out of work and to those in employment.
Changes in circumstancesCertain changes in circumstances can mean that the benefits you receive for your disabled child or for your family might change. Your child’s needs increase If your child’s needs increase, it may help you qualify for a disability benefit for the first time. For example, you might now qualify where you have been refused benefit […]
Benefits calculatorUse theTurn2Us benefits calculator to find out what benefits and other sources of financial help you might be entitled to.
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