Why partner with Contact?

You can help us reduce poverty and isolation, prevent crisis and create nationwide change for families with disabled children.

Working together, we:

Transform lives 

By partnering with Contact, you can ensure desperate families and disabled children get vital support. Your business can be the difference between families spiralling into crisis or being able to thrive.

Support colleagues, clients or customers

Disability can affect any family. Whether you know it or not, you will have parents or family members of a disabled child in your networks. Partnering with Contact will increase loyalty and enable you to offer specialist support.

Deliver real value

You deserve genuine impact from your support. Across all of our services, 97% would recommend us, and independent evaluation shows we deliver real impact and value for money. In all that we do, we give it our all. This includes creating a successful partnership with you.

Build a more connected organisation

Engage your employees in volunteering, fundraising, competition, and awareness-raising activities, helping form closer teams. From overseas adventures and bake sales to guaranteed London Marathon places, we have something for you. Wherever our partnership takes us, you can build an energised workforce and show solidarity to families affected by disability.

Generate Positive PR & HR

Increase your profile and feel-good factor with customers and colleagues. We also offer bespoke training for HR and managers, plus in-house workshops for carers. 

Download our brochure

Find out more about partnering with Contact – download our corporate brochure.


Get in touch

Find out more about how to become a corporate partner by emailing corporate@contact.org.uk