94% better informed after using our advice service

2 mins read

Friday 14 April 2023

Visitors to our website advice, callers to our helpline and members of our social media communities are getting the information they need, with 85% feeling more confident as a result.

And 97% of parent carers who use our advice services would recommend them to others.

These are the results of our latest online and helpline bi-annual feedback survey, which ran in March 2023 and had 398 respondents.

“I don’t think I would have known about making a credits-only ESA claim if it hadn’t been for the Facebook group. There’s such a lot of great information and tips on there. The helpline staff are also really knowledgeable and also friendly, which makes it much easier to ask questions.”

Our information and advice services also includes our parent guides and factsheets and Chatbot and live chat service.

Of the respondents to our survey:

  • 95% are satisfied/very satisfied with our telephone helpline.
  • 92% are satisfied/very satisfied with our social media channels.
  • 92% are satisfied/very satisfied with our website.
  • 90% are satisfied/very satisfied with our newsletters.

“I have used the website and helpline countless times since my daughter was born 16 years ago. Thanks to the advice, we receive the benefits we are entitled to and have ensured that her mainstream education is accessible.”

Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey. The results will help us demonstrate to our funders why their contribution is so important.