Extra sessions to have a say on plans to on disabled children’s social care law in England

2 mins read

Monday 25 November 2024

Tags: children's social care law, Law commission consultation, Have your say on reforming disabled children social care

The Law Commission is running seven additional consultation events over coming weeks to give more people a chance to have a say on their once in a life time proposals for reforming disabled children social care law.

The Law Commission is currently consulting on its proposals for reforming the law which their review found to be too complicated for families and professionals alike. The consultation runs until 20 January.

The extra general consultation events – two online and five ‘in person’ – are open to anyone interested in disabled children’s social care including parents, charities, academics, professionals and social workers.

Please click the following links for more information and to register your place.

Online events

Evening online public event: 16 December, 7:30pm-9:00pm

Lunch time online public event (lunch time): 6 January, 12:30pm-2:00pm

In person events

Bristol, in-person public event: 18 December, 10am-12pm

London, in-person public event: 19 December, 11am-1pm

Sheffield, in-person public event: 8 January, 11am-1pm

Birmingham, in-person public event: 10 January, 12:30pm-2:30pm

Manchester, in-person public event: 13 January, 11am-1pm.

Over the last two weeks, the Law Commission has listened intently to families’ experiences of social care at targeted sessions for parent carers, supported by Contact. Contact has run two of its own focus groups and will use parents’ feedback in our response to the consultation.

We heard worrying stories from exhausted families who have struggled to get support, who been penalised for keeping their children safe or blamed when they seek help.

If you have time, we urge you to also respond to the Law Commission consultation individually. You don’t have to answer all the questions and there’s a summary and Easy Read version too.

The consultation closes on 20 January.