
At Contact, we take safeguarding very seriously and believe that protecting people from harm is everyone’s responsibility.

Contact is committed to promoting the welfare and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults across the UK and protecting them from abuse or neglect, whether they are receiving services from us, are Contact staff and volunteers, or anyone else we meet through our work.

Policy strategy

Contact believes that all children and young people and vulnerable adults deserve to live happy, safe, and secure lives, and should be protected from abuse, harm, or neglect.  We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and vulnerable adults to keep them safe.  And we are committed to practice in a way that protects and safeguards children, young people and vulnerable adults.

We acknowledge our responsibilities to those who fall under statutory safeguarding definitions.

Our safeguarding policies outline the practice and procedures for paid and voluntary staff in Contact so that they can contribute to the prevention of abuse of children, young people, and vulnerable adults through raising awareness and providing a clear framework for action when abuse is suspected.

Our safeguarding policies are reviewed annually and are available on request. Please email [email protected]

Our responsibilities are:

Responsibilities of Contact employees and volunteers


To request copies of Contact’s safeguarding children and safeguarding vulnerable adults policies, please email [email protected]