97% website users satisfied with our advice

2 mins read

Friday 16 April 2021

Twice a year we ask parent carers what they think about our information and advice service – this includes our website, social media, telephone helpline and live chat.

The feedback we get helps us improve our service to and provides evidence for existing and potential new funders. 

In March we received over 400 responses to our survey from families and the following results. Of those users:

  • 98% of helpline users were satisfied or very satisfied with the service.
  • 97% of our website users were satisfied or very satisfied with the service.
  • 95% of our social media users were satisfied or very satisfied with the service.
  • 88% of live chat users were satisfied or very satisfied with the service

My first time calling and felt comfortable to share so much about my child and family. I am confident enough to attend a meeting now and got advice on other issues I did not mean to speak about. I will be in contact again.

In addition:

The Contact guides have really helped me fill in what seems like a mine field of application forms. The Facebook group has been a lifesaver. Having a disabled child can become a very lonely place and it could easily be weeks of not speaking to another adult if it weren’t for the Facebook group.

And as a result:

  • 100% of respondents told us they felt better informed about how to get support.
  • 89% felt more confident.
  • 68% agreed they felt less isolated.
  • 86% agreed that support from Contact enabled them to take the next step.
  • 97% of parents who responded would recommend Contact to others.

I have been using Contact since my child was a boy, he is now a young man. The difference to my family is immense! I rant and rave about you to parents. Every bit of info I have got from you has been helpful. And you’re all so nice.