Autumn flu and Covid vaccine programmes to start next week

2 mins read

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Doctor giving child a vaccination

The roll-out of flu and Covid vaccinations in England has been brought forward to Monday 11 September following the identification of a new Covid variant.

Who is eligible for a Covid booster?

The government announced earlier this summer that the following groups are eligible for an autumn Covid booster:

Family carers can get an autumn booster if they are eligible for Carer’s Allowance or if they are 16+ and the sole or primary carer of an elderly or disabled person at increased risk of dying if they get Covid (and therefore are clinically vulnerable).

See which children under 16 count as clinically vulnerable.

The government will begin to invite eligible groups to book an appointment via the national booking service.

Who is eligible for a flu vaccine?

The following children are eligible for a free flu vaccine this year:

  • Those over six months of age with certain health conditions.
  • All two and three year olds (on 31 August).
  • All primary school-aged children.
  • Some secondary school-aged children (Years 7 to 11).

Anyone who receives a Carer’s Allowance, or who’s the main carer for an older or disabled person, is also eligible. Your doctor will let you know when you can book a vaccine, so make sure you’re registered with them as a carer.

Children aged two and three years will receive the vaccination at their general practice, usually by the practice nurse.

School-aged children will be offered a flu vaccine in school, or they can be vaccinated at community clinics.

Most children will get the vaccine as a nasal spray, aside from those under two years old and those for whom the nasal spray is unsuitable.

Find out more

We have more information about the flu and Covid vaccines on our website.