Christmas opening hours for our advice and information helpline services

2 mins read

Thursday 19 December 2024

Tags: Helpline, Christmas opening hours, Live Chat

Our helpline will be closed from 2pm on Tuesday 24 December, and will re-open on Thursday 2 January 2025 from 9:30am.

If you need to speak to someone when our helpline is closed over Christmas, the following support organisations may be helpful:

  • Samaritans Freephone: 116 123 open 24 hours every day throughout the festive period
  • CALM Freephone: 0800 585858, open 5pm till midnight throughout the festive period
  • SHOUT Text: 85258, open 24 hours a day, confidential text support service.

Sending emails, web forms and asking questions on our social media pages and private Facebook group

Many parents choose to send us helpline emails, submit a website enquiry or post on our Facebook and Twitter pages. These pages and email accounts will be unmoderated during the same period as our helpline closure.

If you ask a query during this period, we’ll respond as soon as we can after our office reopens on 2 January 2025. Whilst the helpline is closed, you can find lots of advice and support on our website. You can use Charlie the Chatbot, who lives on the bottom right-hand side of our website. Charlie can guide you through our information and advice quickly and easily, whenever you need it – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our Live Chat option on our website is not available from Monday 23 December to Sunday 5 January 2025 inclusive.