Consultation on new benefit to replace Carer’s Allowance in Scotland

2 mins read

Wednesday 2 March 2022

The Scottish government has launched a consultation on its plans for Carer’s Assistance, a new benefit that will replace Carer’s Allowance in Scotland.

When the new benefit is first launched, it is likely that its rules will closely mirror Carer’s Allowance. In the medium to long term, the Scottish government hopes to make a number of changes to Carer’s Assistance. These include:  

  • A higher payment (by £10 extra per week) where the carer looks after more than one disabled person.
  • Removing restrictions on full-time students claiming.
  • Allowing a carer to add together hours spent caring for more than one person to meet the 35 hours care requirement.
  • Extending from eight to 12 weeks the time the benefit run-ons for following the death of a cared-for person.
  • Extending from four to 12 weeks the period a carer can continue receiving payments after they stop providing 35 hrs a week care because a cared-for person goes into hospital or residential care.
  • Increasing the amount carers can earn and still get the benefit. The consultation suggests that the ‘earnings limit’ be equivalent to 16 hrs work at National Living Wage (currently equivalent to £158 per week). It also proposes that there should be a run-on in the benefit for a temporary period where someone’s earnings start to go above the earnings limit.

The Scottish government is seeking the views of carers in Scotland about its plans. You can find out more about their consultation on the government’s website.

The consultation is open until 23rd May 2022. You can respond in writing or online via the Scottish government’s consultation hub.

Read more about Carer’s Allowance and other benefits and tax credits, including welfare benefits particular to Scotland.

We will continue to campaign on improvements to Carer’s Allowance across the UK.