Home News & views Craig Mathieson’s statement on the DLA Takeaway ruling
2 mins read
Friday 10 July 2015
On Wednesday the Mathieson family made history as the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the regulations that took benefit payments from their son Cameron when he was in hospital for over 84 days was a violation of his human rights.
Cameron’s dad Craig Mathieson has made a statement about the judgment, and we wanted to share it with everyone who has supported our Stop the DLA Takeaway in Hospital campaign.
“We are grateful to the Supreme Court for such a wonderful legacy for our beautiful boy. He would have been honoured that so many people will benefit from him having been here.
“This has very much been a team effort and who would never have been possible without the tireless dedication of Mitchell Wolf at Scott-Moncrieff and associates, and Steve Broach, Jude Butting and Ian Wise QC from Monckton Chambers. Their hard work and integrity is truly humbling and their support means more than I can say.
“We are also indebted to Contact a Family and the Children’s Trust without whose evidence we could not have shown Cameron’s case was the rule rather than the exception. Their work for families is fuelled by the most incredible energy and dedication.
“As a family we are delighted and humbled that because of our little boy so many like him are a step closer to being treated fairly according to the reality of their situation. Thank you all for your support and encouragement.”
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