Families speak out about vaccines on BBC Breakfast News

2 mins read

Friday 30 April 2021

Picture of BBC Breakfast logo

Did you see the coverage on the BBC about our Covid-19 vaccine campaign last weekend?

Watch Noah, George and their families on BBC Breakfast News or listen to their interview on the Radio 4 Today programme (at 1.45) (link no longer available).  

We were pleased to hear the spokesperson for the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recognise what a huge issue getting a vaccine is for families and children like Noah.

Children have been frustratingly left behind in the vaccination programme

Professor Adam Finn from the JCVI

His comments were widely published in a range of newspapers.

Thank you 

A huge thank you to both families for speaking out in the media and to all our media volunteers who have helped our campaigns achieve results.

Since we launched our Covid-19 vaccine campaign back in November, unpaid carers have been added to the priority list.  We are now trying to get clinically extremely vulnerable children prioritised for the vaccine when trials are complete. We are also pushing for better access to Covid-19 vaccines off-label for children like Noah who want the vaccine right now.

Thank you to everyone who has got involved with our Covid-19 campaign.

Our Covid-19 vaccine campaign in numbers

220,000 people have viewed our vaccine webpages over the last 3 months.

95,000 unique views of our vaccine questions and answers page

61,800 clinically extremely vulnerable children need priority access to vaccines.

3873 have signed our vaccine petition. Sign our campaign petition if you haven’t already done so. 

Only 3 in 200 families have been successful in getting the vaccine off-label. Find out how parent, Yvonne got the vaccine off-label for her daughter.

What next?

We haven’t received a reply from the JCVI to our letter so we will be following up with them.  We also want to meet with the government to discuss what can be done to prioritise extremely vulnerable children for Covid-19 vaccines.

We would also like to understand more about how parents are getting the vaccine off-label, so please let us know if you have been successful and how you went about it. Email [email protected]