Free Money Matters workshops for parents who speak Soomaalida (Somali), العربية (Arabic) or Polish (Polski)

2 mins read

Monday 6 March 2023

Tags: Money Matters workshop

We’re holding 3 FREE Money Matters workshops next week for parent carers whose first languages are either Arabic, Polish or Somali.

Join our free Money Matters workshop where a translator will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about benefits and the benefits system:

Soomaalida (Somali): 13 March, 10-11:30am
العربية (Arabic): 14 March, 10-11:30am
Polski (Polish): 17 March, 10-11:30am

Our Money Matters workshop will help make sure you get the benefits and other financial support you and your disabled child and family are entitled to.

It will give you an overview of benefits, the main benefit for disabled children, Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Carers Allowance, grants available as well as where to find discounts on utilities, leisure and discounts for parent carers.

Watch our 3 new films about DLA

Disability Living Allowance or DLA, is the main benefit for disabled children under 16 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It’s there to help you pay for the extra costs of caring for a child with a disability or condition.

To make sure families don’t miss out on this vital benefit – more important than ever given the current cost of living crisis – we’ve created 3 new animations introducing you to DLA and available in 4 languages – English, Polski (Polish), العربية (Arabic) and Soomaalida (Somali).