Have your say on government plans to improve the lives of disabled people

2 mins read

Thursday 17 August 2023

Tags: consultation, disability action plan, EHRC, assistive technology

The government is consulting on its plans to improve disabled people’s lives, as a new Equality and Human Rights Commission report accuses it of making “slow progress” in making changes.

The government’s Disability Action Plan sets out “concerted actions” each government department is planning in 2023-24. 

The plan includes: 

  • £14.5 million investment to make national parks, trails, forests, and coastlines more accessible. 
  • 33 more special free schools and training for 5,000 early year special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCOs).
  • Publication of an accessibility audit of all railway stations by the end of 2024.

There are also plans to allow carers to ask for flexible working from day one of their employment. 

Ministers say the public consultation represents the listening stage in planning. The consultation is a chance for you to tell them if those plans will be helpful. 

Read the full consultation document online.

How can I respond to the consultation?

Contact will submit a formal response to the consultation. We want to hear your views on whether the plans will help improve life for your disabled child. 

You can contribute to Contact’s response by emailing [email protected].

You can also respond online.

The consultation closes on 6 October. 

Do you use assisted technology?

We would especially like to hear from any parent who relies on assisted technology (AT) and who would like to join an online government consultation event on 2 September.

Assisted Technology includes any device that supports disabled child to engage in daily life. It includes ramps and motorised wheelchairs, cochlear implants and assisted communication devices.