Have your say on Scotland’s Neurodivergence Bill

2 mins read

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Tags: autism, consultation, neurodivergence bill, learning disabilities

The voice of parent carers is crucial in shaping a fairer and more inclusive Scotland for everyone.

The Scottish Government is currently seeking insights and feedback on the Learning Disabilities, Autism, and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill.

The Bill aims to ensure better treatment and opportunities for neurodivergent individuals and those with learning disabilities.

Share your thoughts

The Scottish government has been working on this legislation for the past two years. It has been seeking feedback from a wide range of groups, including neurodivergent individuals and those with learning disabilities.

Now, it has opened a public consultation, inviting anyone in Scotland to share their views and experiences.

The consultation has identified a wide range of issues and topics, and these have been broken down into 14 specific themes. You can provide feedback on as few or as many of these themes as you wish.

How you can get involved

Provide feedback via Contact

We will be responding to the consultation directly, with a focus on the following five themes: relationships, health and wellbeing, education, transitions and definitions.

If you would like to contribute to our response, we will be running two online focus groups for parent carers on Monday 15th April at 10:30am -12.30pm and 6.30pm-8.30pm.

We want to hear about your experiences and views on any of the five themes mentioned above. We will use the insights gained to provide comprehensive feedback to the consultation.

If you would like to take part in one of our sessions please email Susan Walls, Head of Programmes at [email protected] by Friday 1st April.

Respond directly to the consultation

You can also respond directly to the consultation online or by video, post and audio.

You can view the full list of topics and themes at gov.scot

Each theme invites you to answer three questions, and you can respond to as many or as few questions and themes as you see fit.

See more information on the bill, how to respond and to access the consultation guidelines.

The deadline for responding directly is 10pm on Sunday 21 April 2024.