It’s national Volunteers’ Week

2 mins read

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Tags: parent carer forums, parent participation, volunteer, national volunteers' week

“…They are selfless, dedicated and passionate people who put others before themselves . . the world would be a dispassionate place without our volunteering community” 

It’s National Volunteers Week and we just wanted to give a big shout out and huge thanks to all the parent carers who volunteer for their parent carer forum (PCF) in England.

The unpaid work PCF volunteers do is key to helping put parent carers’ experiences at the heart of improving services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) – all against a backdrop of long waiting lists for support, cuts to funding and services, and mounting financial pressures.  Despite this, parent carer volunteers continue to make a difference through parent carer forums.

We asked some PCFs to tell us more about the amazing value and work of volunteers:

“Volunteers are crucial to parent carer forum because they bring diverse perspectives, amplify voices and contribute valuable time and expertise to support families of children with SEND. They help shape policies, provide vital support networks, and advocate for better services, making a significant difference in their communities”

Annila Zilic, Manchester parent carer forum

“Being able to volunteer with a parent carer forum is an amazing opportunity for parents with children and young people with SEND.  Very often parent carers find themselves unable to commit to work, and can become isolated.  Having the opportunity to volunteer alongside other parent carers not only enables them to use their experience and skills to support others, but also gives them an opportunity to connect with peers at a time when it is very important.  Volunteering bring you so many opportunities, that are flexible, that could otherwise not be possible when you have caring duties.  Friendships are made for life through volunteering.”

Bolton Parent Carer Forum

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