Lack of school or college transport forces over 16’s to stay at home

2 mins read

Tuesday 7 January 2025

Tags: young disabled people, school and college transport

School transport can be the glue that helps hold things together for families with disabled children but we’re hearing from more and more families with teens over the age of 16 that transport has been taken away and it’s having a damaging impact on the whole family.

And recent media coverage has helped highlight increasing numbers of young people who, without council transport, just aren’t getting to college at all and are missing out on vital education – like this family who spoke to the BBC this week about how this has impacted them, Son ‘never leaves house’ after Birmingham special needs transport cuts.

Young people over 16 do not have the same rights to free transport as children of compulsory school age, instead transport for 16-19 year olds is discretionary, and local authorities may ask parents for a contribution. Many areas are changing their transport policies for 16-19 year olds and will offer parents a personal travel budget in the first instance, rather than a seat in a school bus, minibus or taxi.

Parents tell us that this is putting them under financial pressure – that costs are unaffordable and that many have to give up work just to get their young person to college.

Help us change this

We think this is unfair and are campaigning for change. Our School transport campaign, will work alongside families to scope out the picture of home to school transport for all ages of disabled children across England and use this to influence policy, raise awareness in the media and campaign to improve school transport for disabled children and young people.

Your experience and views are important to us. If there is something you would like to say about school or college transport, please email [email protected].

If you need advice or information about transport to education have a look at our online transport information. You can also get in touch with our helpline.