Our top tips as kids return to school

2 mins read

Thursday 29 August 2024

Tags: back to school, change in routine

Next week, most children in England, Northern Ireland and Wales will return to school after the summer holidays. Children in Scotland will be settling into another week.

We know this can be an anxious time for children and parents alike, especially if starting a new school for the first time.

Top tips for starting school

We’ve compiled lots of tips on settling into a new school. These pointers were put together by a special educational needs teacher and parents themselves.

Our tips include what to talk to the school about, how to help your child prepare for the change, and some particular advice for children starting secondary school.

You can also listen to your podcast episode, Top tips for starting school.

And don’t forget, we have lots of information on our website about what support schools, nurseries and colleges should be offering your child.

Get kitted out for school

Our online Fledglings shop offers a range of sensory school wear and adaptive shoes. We also have aids that can help children with concentration in class and communication tools that can help prepare children and young people for the transition back to class and help calm any anxieties.

Take a look at all our back-to-school aids.

Talk to other families like yours

Sometimes the best advice comes from other parent carers who’ve been there before, or are going through similar situations.

Join our private Facebook group to join the conversation.