Parent carer forum focuses on solutions to develop vital support for local families

3 mins read

Monday 26 February 2024

Tags: parent carer forums, parent participation

Towards the end of the pandemic, a new forum was set up in Greenwich. Recognising the importance of reflecting the wide diversity and cultural needs of families in Greenwich, the forum quickly established a special educational needs and disability (SEND) Parent Champions scheme.

The scheme aims to eventually have trained parent carers or champions in every Greenwich school to help local families navigate SEND services and to tell them more about their local parent carer forum. There are already 30 parent champions in place who will also act as links for parents at both mainstream and special schools.

Supporting families in Greenwich waiting for an autism diagnosis for their child

Greenwich parent carer forum worked with the local authority and health services to find a solution to support families in the borough experiencing long waits for an autism diagnosis for their child.

The result was a series of informative and helpful videos.

We are lucky in Greenwich to have committed and knowledgeable team of professionals working across the local authority and health who listen to us and equally wanted to improve parental lived experiences.

We met together to think of ways to support parents while they are waiting.  If your child or young person is thought to be autistic, their needs don’t stay on hold until a diagnosis is given. We looked at the issues and questions parents were raising with us and together we produced a short video which we hope provides support and information while they wait for a diagnosis.

Carol Foyle, Director and Parent Participation worker at Greenwich’s parent carer forum

Greenwich parent carer forum has already seen the benefits of working in a more solution-focused way with health services and the local authority. They are currently gathering feedback from parents of children with SEND in order to refresh Greenwich’s Local Offer.

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