Ready, Steady, Stomp – Our DinoDay challenge is here!

2 mins read

Thursday 1 June 2023

Tags: fundraising, dinoday

Our DinoDay Stomp & Roar Challenge has started, and we have hundreds of families across the UK taking on 19 activities this month to help us transform the lives of disabled children and their families.

Thank you to all the roar-some families taking part

It’s the first time we’ve run a challenge for DinoDay and the response has blown us away.  Many of the families taking part have disabled children themselves and are doing a whole host of fun activities – from visiting 19 parks and trying 19 new foods to scooting 19k.

The challenge has raised a whopping £9k so far, and we’re hoping to reach £20k by the end of June – can you help us get there?

Children in green DinoDay t-shirts that are taking part in the Stomp & Roar challenge.

It’s not too late to join the fun!

There’s still time to get involved in DinoDay this June and be part of #TeamDinoDay.

All you have to do is choose a family-friendly activity to take on – it’s totally up to you what you do, as long as the number 19 is involved!

You’ll get a free DinoDay t-shirt for your mini-roarer and an activity tracker when you sign up. We’ve already sent out hundreds of t-shirts, so we have run out of the smaller sizes, but why not get a larger t-shirt they can wear for many DinoDays to come!

1,500 people have joined our DinoDay Facebook group and are busy sharing their challenges in a friendly and supportive environment.

Get in touch

For more information about DinoDay or to ask any questions you may have about fundraising for Contact please email [email protected] or read our DinoDay FAQs.