Resource Subject: Education - general

An overview of Education, Health and Care plans, and what is included in them.

The first step to getting an Education, Health and Care plan.

Extra help your child may be entitled to at school.

Who is eligible to receive free school meals, and what to do if your child is not receiving them.

Sample letter if there are not enough childcare places.

Sample letter if your child is refused childcare.

Sample letter to send to school if your child is being bullied.

Template letter to challenge a refusal to assess your child.

Template letter to ask for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.

Results from our campaign to close the loophole that allows local authorities to remove free school transport for children once they turn 16.

Use this template letter to make a formal complaint to the school about how they’re supporting your child.

A list of our guides for parents and professionals.

How to challenge a local school transport policy.

A list of charities that give education grants to families caring for a disabled child.

Education options and rights to extra help for young people with special educational needs aged between 19-25 in England.

This bullying diary is from our ‘Dealing with bullying’ guide. You can fill it in to keep track of any incidents so you can take up the issue with school or others if you’re concerned your child is being bullied.

How to access free school transport and what sort of transport can be provided.