Share your views on accessible transport

2 mins read

Thursday 23 February 2023

Tags: survey, accessibility, transport, inquiry

The UK parliament Transport Committee has launched an inquiry into how effective is legislation that aims to make transport accessible to all.

Accessibility means the steps transport providers are taking so that disabled people, those with medical conditions and other access needs can use the service. The committee has launched the inquiry after hearing from campaigners and charities that various modes of transport are not easy to access. Research has found that those with access needs are less likely to travel and feel less confident when doing so.

The inquiry will examine both public and private modes of transport. It’ll review how providers are enforcing accessibility laws and where there are gaps. It will also consider remedies for those who have been excluded.

Take part in the inquiry

As part of the inquiry, the Transport Committee has launched a survey to get the views and experiences of people with access needs using transport services.

To help, the committee has set out a list of questions it seeks the answers to.

If you’d like to share your views, make sure to take part by the deadline on 20 March 2023.

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