Parent carers among top winners of £35,000 in our weekly lottery

2 mins read

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Tags: lottery, contact weekly lottery

The Contact Weekly Lottery was launched two and a half years ago to help fund our vital support services for families with disabled children. Since then, we’ve had 2,254 winners and given away £33,305 in prizes!

We only have a small number of players compared to other charity lotteries, but incredibly, we now have the pleasure of telling around 50 lucky people every single week that they’ve won a prize.

What makes our lottery so special is that most of our £1,000 and £10,000 winners have been parent carers. They tell us they play to help support other families like theirs.

It couldn’t have come at a better time for parent carer Rebecca, who won £1,000 in November.

Being a parent of a child with disabilities, the money will help us out as we’ve lost the use of our car and have no way of getting another.”

Rebecca, our £1,000 winner from Farnborough

Another one of our highlights from 2022 was our £10,000 winner back in August. Marie from Birmingham has two children with autism and wanted to help families like hers. When we called to tell her the good news, she couldn’t believe it was real!

“Knowing the money I pay each month can help so many families with disabled children is overwhelming.”

Marie, our £10,000 winner from Birmingham

Join Rebecca and Marie and play today.

Vital services our lottery helps fund

The support from lottery players like Rebecca and Marie allows us to provide life-changing support for families with disabled children

This includes our UK-wide advice service, helpline, parent carer workshops, and family days out.