We’ve made our website more accessible

2 mins read

Monday 3 June 2024

Tags: translate our online information, website accessibility

You can now translate the information, advice and support on our website into the language of your choice and simplify content into bite-sized chunks to make it easier to understand.

The new ‘translation’ and ‘page summariser’ tools can be found in the Recite Me Accessibility Toolbar, which we launched last year to provide a more digitally inclusive experience for everyone visiting our website.

Where can I find the Recite Me Accessibility Toolbar?

It’s quick and simple to access the toolbar:

  • If you’re on a desktop, click on the “Accessibility toolbar” link at the top (next to the Helpline number).
  • If you’re on mobile, click the menu on the right, and you’ll see the “Accessibility toolbar” option.

Once you’ve opened the toolbar, you can click on the different options to customise your experience. For more information on what each tool does, take a look at the Recite Me features page.

Try the translation tool

To change language using the translation tool, click the translate icon.

Select a language from the list, and the whole website will be translated into the language of your choice; some languages also have an audio option. Languages available include Arabic, Polish, Punjabi, Somali, Urdu and Welsh. To see the full list of languages, click the “Accessibility toolbar” link in the top navigation bar, and select the translation icon.

Please note: The Recite Me assistive translation tool, which uses third-party providers including Google, Microsoft and Amazon, offers an approximate translation of our online information, advice and support. We provide this tool for your convenience only, and we do not warrant the accuracy of, nor are we liable for any action taken as a result of, any translation generated by the tool.

Summarise a page

Click the summariser icon and the webpage content will automictically be simplified into digestible summaries, making information more accessible and reducing reading time.

Using this icon will also spell out acronyms, such as ‘DLA’ or ‘PIP’ and can be read aloud by the screen reader.

We hope you find these new accessibility tools helpful.