Is there support? Ménière’s Society Tel: 01306 876883Email: [email protected]Website: The Society is a Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 297246. It provides support to people with vestibular (inner ear) disorders causing dizziness and imbalance. The Society offers information and support to those affected by vestibular conditions and those who care for them, as well as health professionals and the general public. It publishes a magazine three times a year, Spin, offering information on the latest treatments, research and a forum for members to share their experiences. It supports vital research into vestibular disorders. Group details last reviewed June 2024.
Is there support? Ménière’s Society Tel: 01306 876883Email: [email protected]Website: The Society is a Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 297246. It provides support to people with vestibular (inner ear) disorders causing dizziness and imbalance. The Society offers information and support to those affected by vestibular conditions and those who care for them, as well as health professionals and the general public. It publishes a magazine three times a year, Spin, offering information on the latest treatments, research and a forum for members to share their experiences. It supports vital research into vestibular disorders. Group details last reviewed June 2024.