Thyroid disorders

If your child is affected by a disability or medical condition we can help. Call our freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555 to get information, support and advice. You can also browse our range of parent guides on aspects of caring for a disabled child in our resource library.

To meet other parents see support groups below or meet other parents online in our closed Facebook group

Please see below for reliable medical information on Thyroid disorders produced by alternative providers.

NHS website (overactive) (underactive)

Although alternative links have been selected with great care, Contact  cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or errors. Alternative information providers  give details of their quality control procedures on their website, which includes review of information by a qualified medical professional.

Is there support?

British Thyroid Foundation

Tel: 01423 810 093
Email: via website

The Foundation is a Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1006391. It provides information and support to affected adults and families of children with thyroid disorders. 

Group details last reviewed September 2023.

Thyroid UK

Email: via website

The Organisation is a Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1125270. It provides information and support for people with diagnosed and undiagnosed thyroid disorders. 

Group details last reviewed September 2023.

Support is also available from a group of families of children with hypothyroidism under the umbrella of Metabolic Support UK (see entry Inherited Metabolic diseases).

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