Contact Cymru

Our team in Wales is here to support you and your family.

A young girl with curly hair sits next to an adult, holding a toy bear in each hand. They are on a green mat, with various colorful toys scattered around. The girl's navy hoodie has “GAP” written on it. The adult has a lanyard around their neck.
Welsh flag (official)

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It’s quick and simple to translate this page into Welsh. Simply open the “Accessibility & language” link and select the translation option – scroll down the list and select “Welsh”

For more information about selecting another language using our toolbar visit our accessibility & language toolbar information page >

Cyfieithwch y dudalen hon i’r Gymraeg

Mae’n gyflym ac yn syml i gyfieithu’r dudalen hon i’r Gymraeg. Yn syml, agorwch y ddolen “Hygyrchedd ac iaith” a dewiswch yr opsiwn cyfieithu – sgroliwch i lawr y rhestr a dewis “Cymraeg”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ddewis iaith arall gan ddefnyddio ein bar offer ewch i’n tudalen gwybodaeth bar offer hygyrchedd ac iaith >

About Contact Cymru

Our Wales team offers support, advice and information to families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability. We support families through workshops and sports events, and providing local information and resources.

What we do

Building Resilience – our new support service

We understand that life with a disabled child brings unique challenges, and we’re here to help families in Wales feel valued, supported, confident and informed. Building Resilience is our new phone support service. Click on the button to find out more and book a phone appointment with one of our team.


Free online workshops

Our online sessions for parent carers cover a range of helpful topics, including supporting anxiety in children, money matters, parent carer wellbeing, supporting your child with speech and language, and understanding sensory processing.

Sessions are open to parent carers of children in Wales, with disabilities or additional needs, with or without a diagnosis.

View our online workshops

Let’s chat! Online drop-in

We’ve launched a new online drop-in service for families of children with additional needs. Sessions take place every Thursday morning between 11:00-12:00 during term time, and are a welcoming and safe space to listen or talk about experiences.

View our online drop-ins

Policy & campaigns

We work with partners and central government in Wales to make sure families of disabled children get a fair deal in government policies. We also work with organisations, social services, education and health agencies across Wales to make sure families with disabled children are consulted on local policy and practice. You can read more about current campaigns on our news pages.

Latest Campaign news

The information & advice pages on our website cover a wide range of topics, from social care to preparing for adult life. You can find advice related to Wales within each section.

Watch our webinars

We’ve recorded a series of webinars, with guest speakers from Irwin Mitchell Law, to give you up-to-date legal advice on a range of topics.

Our webinars cover direct payments and your rights, elective home education, Wills and Trusts, and Additional Learning Needs (ALN) reform in education.

Please note, most of our videos are available to view in both English and Welsh.
