Listening Ear

Our 1-1 telephone appointments for parent carers looking for emotional support.

In this article

What is Listening Ear?

You might be struggling emotionally and looking for strategies to help you cope. Or maybe you just need to talk to someone who understands the extra challenges you face and who can point you in the right direction to get the support you need for your family.  

To help, we offer 1-1 telephone appointments with a family support adviser for parent carers looking for a listening ear, reassurance and practical and emotional support.  

Listen to our podcast episode about Listening Ear, in which our adviser Noreen explains how the service started and how it can help you.

Watch our senior parent adviser Shona talk about Listening Ear below to find out more about what the service is, what parents can talk about during their call, what families think of their Listening Ear experience, and some of her most memorable calls so far.

One-to-one telephone support on autism

For London and Midlands families

We also offer individual support sessions on autism, providing support, information and guidance for parent carers based in London or the Midlands. All our calls and sessions are delivered by people with lived experience of autism.

To find out more, visit our autism support pages:

Important information before booking

Book an appointment

Making an appointment is simple:  Choose the day (morning, afternoon or evening), and when you register choose the time slot you want. Appointments are regularly updated and are subject to availability.

Listening Ear booking form

"*" indicates required fields

If there are no available appointment times listed, please come back soon as we are always adding new dates and times.

Please note: In the below section you can select what issues you’d like support on. As the Listening Ear session is 45 minutes long, if you select more than one option we may not be able to discuss everything.

What are the key issues you want support on*
If you have any accessibility needs regarding the Listening Ear Appointment, please contact as early as possible.
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