Workshops for the parents you support

Commission us to deliver a workshop for the families you support on one of our popular topics. Or talk to us about creating a bespoke option for you!

We can deliver all our family workshops face-to-face or virtually.

We can tailor content for early years, primary, and secondary school-aged children, appropriate to the families you support.

For information about bespoke courses, multiple purchases, or to book a course, just get in touch.

Call us: Ellie Goff – 07884 742154 
Email us: [email protected] 

Our workshops for parent carers

Money and entitlements

Early years entitlements

For advice on childcare options, childcare costs, how settings support children, help available if you’re struggling and benefits and grants.

Prices and booking info

Money Matters

In this workshop parent carers will learn about benefits, including Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Carer’s Allowance, as well as dispelling myths around benefits.

The session also covers grants, discounts on utilities, leisure, and discounts for carers, accessing services for support with financial applications, local information and helplines. Cost of living financial updates.

Prices and booking info

Family life

Encouraging positive behaviour in children

Parent carers attending this workshop will gain a better understanding of why children with additional needs behave the way they do.

The session also covers ways to handle difficult situations in a calm, stress-free manner, plus ways of supporting and encouraging your child and how to get support and help.

Prices and booking info

Helping your child sleep

We help parent carers gain a better understanding of sleep processes, why sleep problems may occur and possible causes.

We cover the importance of sleep and the effect on the whole family. And we offer suggestions on what might help and where to get support.

Prices and booking info

Toilet training for children with disabilities

Children with additional needs may not be ready to start toilet training until they are older.

This workshop helps parents understand when they are ready and how to start.

Prices and booking info


Supporting children with ADHD

Covering common issues, routine and structure, communication and strategies and tips for managing behaviour.

This workshop is useful for both new parent carers and more experienced parents and carers revisiting strategies and learning new ones.

Prices and booking info

Support for your child’s anxiety

Our workshop for parents caring for children with anxiety explores the causes of anxiety and how it makes your child feel. The session provides strategies to help you and your child recognise and manage their anxiety.

PRices and booking info

Understanding sensory processing

This virtual workshop looks at the impact of challenging times for people with sensory needs, their families and the people who support them. Get an insight into the difficulties and learn key strategies to support wellbeing.

This workshop is delivered by an external specialist and carries an extra charge.

Prices and booking info

Understanding the diagnosis

What can you do if you have concerns about your child?

We provide an overview of the diagnosis process, who is involved and what they do. We cover the next steps for you and your child and look at further avenues of support. 

Prices and booking info

Schools and education

Educational support for school age children with additional needs in England

Learn what support is available for your school aged child in educational settings (in England).  We discuss SEND provision and Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.

Prices and booking info

Transitions (nursery / primary / secondary / college)

Helping children get ready for a new school year. We can deliver this workshop so it’s suitable for all ages or specifically for children from nursery to school age.

See our workshop “Preparing for adult life” for a similar session

Prices and booking info


Speech, language and communication

For parents of children of school age with communication difficulties associated with hearing impairment, language impairment and autism. (With and without diagnosis).

This workshop is delivered by an external specialist and carries an extra charge.

Prices and booking info

Young adults

Growing up

Explore how best to support your child as they experience puberty and adolescence. 

We’ll support you to manage their educational, practical and emotional needs and help them develop positive relationships.

Prices and booking info

Preparing for adult life

What happens during transition, and when? 

Find out about the key legislation affecting your young person as they move into adulthood, and feel more confident thinking and planning for the future.

PRices and booking info

Skills for parent carers

Building resilience and wellbeing for parent carers

We help parent carers understand clearly what stress is and how it affects you. This workshop will help you identify new ways of coping with stress and reducing your stress levels.

Try new stress busting ideas until you find ones that fit with you! 

Prices and booking info

Handling meetings for parent carers

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed about attending meetings to discuss your child’s specialist needs and get the right support for them.

This workshop will give you the confidence to help you get the best from a virtual or face to face meeting.

Prices and booking info

Bespoke workshops

Our experienced family support consultants and trainers can design a workshop to suit your needs. 

Please contact us to discuss how we can help you support your families.

Prices and booking

Virtual delivery (up to 20 participants): from £750 + VAT


Face-to-face delivery: from £1400 + VAT


For information about bespoke courses, multiple purchases, or to book a course, just get in touch.

Call us: Ellie Goff, Business Development Manager – 07884 742154 
Email us: [email protected] 

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