Submit a query to our helpline Please read – important information before you submit your query We are currently receiving a high volume of helpline enquiry forms. If you have questions about: Claiming DLA for the first time, please see our online information on DLA before you submit an enquiry. Benefits when your young person remains in education, please see our online advice before you submit an enquiry. Support in school, EHC assessments and plans, school attendance, or home to school transport, please see our online advice before you submit an enquiry. Have you tried our chatbot or livechat? Charlie the Chatbot is our helpful chatbot who can guide you through our information and advice to help you find the support you need quickly and easily, whenever you need it – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week You can also chat directly to one of our livechat advisers via Charlie the Chatbot – just open the chatbot and type “livechat” Livechat advisers are available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 09:30 – 12:00, then 14:00 – 16:00; on Tuesday our advisers are available 10:15 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 16:00 Who we can accept enquiries from We can only answer enquiries from parents, carers or professionals supporting disabled children aged 0 to 25 living in the UK. We aim to respond to your enquiry within 10 days. If your enquiry is urgent, please call the helpline on 0808 808 3555. Helpline enquiry form "*" indicates required fields First name*Last name*Email* Enter email address Confirm email address Address Line 1*Address Line 2Town/City*Postcode*UK nation*SelectEnglandNorthern IrelandScotlandWalesRegion*SelectSouth EastSouth WestLondonEast of EnglandEast MidlandsWest MidlandsYorkshire and the HumberNorth EastNorth WestI am aSelectParent carer of a disabled child/young personGrandparent of a disabled child/young personOther carerRelative/friend of parent carerProfessional supporting a parent carerSupport groupOtherI am looking for help with… Benefits & financial help Education Social care Health and medical information Preparing for adult life Family life, work & childcare Sleep, behaviour, toileting Local services Listening Ear Workshop & family events Other Does your child/young person have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, Statement of SEN, Independent Development Plan (IDP) or Co-ordinated Support Plan? (CSP) Yes No Don’t know Please type in your question below. Include the ages of your children, diagnosed conditions and additional learning needs/disabilities if they apply.*Keep in touchWe’d like to keep in touch with you about our latest news and updates. You must opt into our emails to receive any of our e-newsletters. We will look after your details in accordance with our data protection policy, and we will only ever contact you in the way you want us to. Read more about what you’ll receive if you opt into our updates.I agree to be contacted by email* Yes No I'd like to receive news updates from Contact via email* Yes No CAPTCHA