Leave a legacy for future families

Through a gift in your Will, we can create a better world for children with additional needs and their families.

Download our legacy guide to discover how you can transform the future of families, and explore what Will writing support we can offer you. Or call us today on 020 7608 8733. Thank you.

Download our legacy guide
Older child reading book with younger child

Wonderful people like you transform lives after life

We cannot go the extra miles for families with disabled children without the vision and kindness of people like you remembering us in your Will. Thank you for being here now.

Updating or writing a Will can be surprisingly simple. It can give you reassurance that the people and causes you care most about are looked after.

We hope that as you take care of your loved ones in your Will, you can also remember Contact and our charity’s commitment to reach thousands more families through your support.

We’re here to guide you through the process of updating or writing a Will. You can find out more by downloading our legacy guide below, calling us on 020 7608 8733, or emailing us at [email protected]. We also offer you free support to have your Will updated or written at no cost to you, so please get in touch with us today to explore this.

Thank you for growing your legacy.

“It was such a relief to find people who understood what I was going through. They pointed me in the right directions and made me feel like there was hope”

Parent carer

Why create change today?

Transform our future support for families

Did you know, in the UK there are over 1.5 million children who have special educational needs or disability? Are you shocked that today, 1 in 3 of these families live in poverty?

Our vision is for children with additional needs and disabilities, and their families, to thrive in a world that respects and supports them for who they are. We exist to move families from isolation to connection, as families grow in confidence to access the support they need to create positive change.

Your legacy is incredibly important and powerful, no matter how big. For example, 99% of your estate could reach your loved ones, and 1% could transform our charity’s future.

Gifts in Wills from people like you allow us to build our support for families in ways that otherwise aren’t possible. In these increasingly complex and urgent times, you can help us be there for the growing number of families to come.

Download our legacy guide

“It was amazing to go somewhere and not be judged…It’s changed our life”

Parent carer at a Contact Better Together day

Why support families through Contact?

Empowering families, building communities & creating systemic change

Our information, advice and support empowers families to overcome their challenges and instead focus on what matters most – enjoying a life filled with love, connection, and hope.

We help families build communities that care for each other. We create nationwide change through our research and campaigning. And we keep families are at the heart of everything we do, so that we build a more loving and supportive future for families.

Remembering us in your Will helps to transform the lives of millions of children and their families. It’s a wonderful way to join us in creating an equitable society.

Download our legacy guide

Could you give hope and more?

After taking care of your loved ones, you can help families with disabled children thrive for years to come.

“As a former trustee and family who’ve benefited from Contact’s support, I know firsthand how Contact helps transform the lives of families who urgently need support.

Contact is a bold, unique and innovative charity who keep families at the heart of everything they do. That’s why my family gave a legacy to Contact. I know that they’ll keep championing and providing the best support for families with additional needs. In doing that, we can all share in a brighter future. It means the world to families that you can support Contact. Thank you.”


How do I leave a gift in my Will? 

Writing or changing a Will can be surprisingly simple. If you want to remember us in your Will, all you’ll need to include is:

This is all outlined in our legacy guide, filled with family stories to connect you to our work. Download it today, feel inspired and explore our free Will writing support available to you:

We always love to hear from you, so don’t forget you can call us on 020 7608 8733 or email us at: [email protected]