Tell your workplace about Contact

Can your workplace support Contact and can we support your colleagues? Please introduce us using the template below!

You probably already know that Contact offers parent carers information, support and advice, but did you know we offer support  for you and your colleagues in the workplace too? And we can help your workplace achieve its charitable goals by supporting our families too.

You can use our template letter of introduction below – just send it to your manager, HR or corporate social responsibility team if you have one and get the conversation started! Thank you!


Dear (your company might have a CSR contact, or if not, a marketing, HR, charities committee, or parent carer network colleague might be best suited to receive this),

I’d like to introduce you and our workplace to Contact, in case their services can support colleagues, and we can support them through our charitable work.

Contact is the nationwide charity for families with disabled children, no matter a child’s condition, diagnosed or not. Contact supports families with the best possible guidance and information. They bring families together to support each other. And Contact helps families and allies to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others.

Contact is driven to reach more families with disable children and sooner in their journey. I hope Contact’s services can reach colleagues who might benefit from support, and that we might consider Contact for charitable support.

Contact’s work transforms lives, reduces poverty and isolation, prevents crisis and creates nationwide change. And Contact can support workplaces by, for example, offering bespoke workshops and resources on disability topics to parent carers or HR, plus supporting with staff fundraising and wider charitable aims.

I know Contact would be delighted to hear from you, so please contact [email protected] for further support. You can also find their corporate pages and brochure on their website. Thank you.