Adult Disability Payment rolled out across whole of Scotland

2 mins read

Monday 29 August 2022

Tags: scotland, disability living allowance, child disability payment, Adult Disability Payment, welfare benefits in scotland

Adult Disability Payment, the benefit replacing Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for disabled adults in Scotland, has now been rolled out nationally. It replaces new claims for PIP across the whole country.

Up until now, Adult Disability Payment has only applied in certain pilot areas. From today, Monday 29 August, it extends to all parts of Scotland. If someone has not already claimed PIP, it is now too late for them to make a PIP claim. They will need to claim Adult Disability Payment instead.

Adults in Scotland who are already getting PIP are also moving onto Adult Disability Payment. This is happening gradually in stages between now and 2024. The first groups transferring will be those who:

  • Report a change in circumstances to the Department for Work and Pensions.
  • Are due a review of their PIP award.
  • Have a terminal illness.

When someone on PIP transfers to Adult Disability Payment, it happens automatically without the need to make a claim and without any need for a reassessment.

If your child is on Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Child Disability Payment and turns 18, they will also be transferred to Adult Disability Payment.

Read more about welfare benefits in Scotland.