Home News & views Do you live in England? Join us for a Q&A on Education, Health and Care plans in our Facebook Group
2 mins read
Friday 14 May 2021
If your child is in school in England they may have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan – a legal document outlining all the support a child needs in education.
Your child is entitled to the extra help set out in their EHC plan. But we know that the pandemic has meant that many parents have experienced challenges in getting the support outlined in their child’s EHC plan.
To help, we are running a special Facebook Q&A over in our closed (private) Facebook group where you can ask our helpline education advisers about any issues around EHC plans. This includes how to get one, if you have a draft EHC plan or want changes to be made to an existing plan.
To take part you’ll need to join over 6,500 other parent carers and become a member of our closed (private) Facebook Group – a safe space for you to discuss your concerns and share your tips about family life in lockdown.
Joining is easy – just answer a few simple questions to register and you’re in!
We will be live on Thursday 20 May between 10am and 12 noon, when our team of education advisers will be waiting to answer your questions. Put the date in your diary!
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