Donate to Contact with Apple & Google Pay

2 mins read

Friday 4 November 2022

Tags: fundraising, donate, apple pay, google pay

It’s now even easier to make a donation to support our vital services for families with disabled children.

We’ve added Google Pay and Apple Pay to our one-off donation process. If you have a Google Pay or Apple Pay wallet set up, you’ll be able to make your payment quickly and easily.

You can also donate using a Paypal account, alongside the usual debit and credit card methods.

Why donate to Contact?

As winter arrives, many families with disabled children will be struggling with extra costs as the cost of living crisis bites.

We know that disabled households pay more for their energy, on top of other additional expenses other households don’t face. Without proper support, many parent carers are forced to give up their income due to caring responsibilities. And once they have, a complex benefits system facing cuts means too often families miss out on the help they need.

With our high-quality, independent guidance, families know what they’re entitled to and how to get it. And we won’t stop campaigning until the government provides the essential support families with disabled children need this winter.