Live in Wales? Join our new online drop-in service!

3 mins read

Tuesday 12 November 2024

Tags: wales, contact cymru, online drop-ins, drop-ins

Contact Cymru is running a new online drop-in service for families of children with additional needs. Sessions take place every Thursday morning between 11:00-12:00 during term time.

The drop-ins are run by our parent volunteers, who provide a safe space to talk about information and experiences. Each drop-in has a topic theme, but it’s also open to anyone who just wants to chat with other families or find out more about Contact.

So pop the kettle on, grab a biscuit and join us from the comfort of your sofa for one of our upcoming dates. You’re welcome to stay for however long you want to, whether just a few minutes or the whole hour, and to join the chat or just listen in.

Topic themes

  • Thursday 14th November – let’s chat, celebrating small steps, opportunity for parents to share progress and wins, big or small.
  • Thursday 21st November – let’s chat pregnancy and birth trauma, taboo conversations, hospital stays, drop in.
  • Thursday 28th November let’s chat – Christmas worries, tips from other parents, how to say no.
  • Thursday 5th December – let’s chat diagnosis, coming to terms with it and how it affects us, drop in.
  • Thursday 12th December – let’s chat guilt and how to combat it, pressures on parent carers, emotions.
  • Thursday 19th December – let’s chat trying our best, finding your tribe, fitting in, positive thinking, making big decisions.

The drop-ins are free to attend, but you need to register first. To attend any of these sessions, please visit Eventbrite to register and we will send you the meeting link.

Please note, our drop ins are delivered by our parent volunteers and parents of children with additional needs. Sessions are delivered in English.

Newydd! Galw Heibio Ar-lein

Bob dydd Iau rhwng 11am-12pm yn ystod y tymor, rydym yn cynnig gwasanaeth galw heibio ar-lein i deuluoedd plant ag anghenion ychwanegol.

Caiff ein sesiynau galw heibio eu cynnal gan ein Rhieni Wirfoddolwyr, sy’n darparu man diogel i siarad am wybodaeth a phrofiadau. Mae thema bynciol i bob sesiwn galw heibio, ond mae hefyd yn agored i unrhyw un sydd eisiau sgwrsio â theuluoedd eraill neu ddarganfod mwy am Contact.

Felly rhowch y tegell ymlaen, cydiwch mewn bisged ac ymunwch â ni o gysur eich soffa am un o’r sesiynau galw heibio sydd i ddod. Mae croeso i chi aros pa mor hir ag y dymunwch, boed yn ychydig funudau neu’r awr gyfan, a chael sgwrs neu wrando.

  • 14/11/2024 Camau bach o gynnydd
  • 21/11/2024 – trawma beichiogrwydd a geni, aros yn yr ysbyty
  • 28/11/2024 – Pryderon y Nadolig, awgrymiadau gan rieni eraill, sut i ddweud na
  • 5/12/2024 – diagnosis, dod i delerau ag ef a sut mae’n effeithio arnom ni
  • 7/12/2024 – euogrwydd a sut i frwydro yn ei erbyn, pwysau, emosiynau
  • 19/12/2024 – ceisio ein gorau, meddwl yn bositif, gwneud penderfyniadau mawr

I fynychu unrhyw un o’r sesiynau galw heibio hyn, defnyddiwch y ddolen hon i gofrestru a byddwn yn anfon dolen y cyfarfod atoch. Bydd y pynciau ar gyfer ein cyfres nesaf o sesiynau galw heibio o’r 21 Tachwedd hefyd yn cael eu hychwanegu’n fuan.

Sylwer, mae ein sesiynau galw heibio yn cael eu darparu yn Saesneg ac yn cael eu darparu gan Rieni Gwirfoddolwr Cymru a Rhieni plant ag anghenion ychwanegol.