Resource Type: Policy briefings

Help for parents who would like to start a local parents’ group in Wales.

How to write press releases, newsletters, flyers, posters, social networking and websites.

How medical professionals can work with parent support groups in Wales.

An introduction to the range of legal structures for local support groups in Wales.

Tips and advice on organising a family event for parent support groups in Wales.

Introduction to parent carer participation, how parent carer forum operates in England with good practice examples.

Tips and advice on organising a family event for parent support groups.

Tips and resources to attract and keep members for parent support groups in Wales.

Information to support health professionals in coordinating care on commonly presenting issues.

How medical professionals can work with parent support groups.

Tips and resources on public speaking for parents, for local support groups in Wales.

Read our campaign briefing, which explains the issues for families with disabled children in detail.

Ideas and resources to help with fundraising for local parent support groups in Wales.