Support for parents of children with autism in the Midlands and London

2 mins read

Saturday 22 July 2023

Tags: London and Midlands parent carers, parent workshops, autism

Parents in the Midlands and London who care for a child with autism are invited to our free online workshops and drop-in sessions next week. Your child does not need a diagnosis of autism in order for you to attend.

Workshop for parents of children with anxiety

This workshop will help you understand the causes of anxiety, how it makes your child feel and strategies to help.

Virtual Drop-in session

This informal one-hour session is for parents and carers of autistic children to meet and chat. We can also offer signposting to local support services.

Understanding your child’s behaviour

This workshop will help you understand your child’s behaviour and provide ways in which you can support them.

About these workshops

Commissioned by NHS England’s Workforce, Training and Education Team, these workshops are part of the Autism Central Peer Education Programme. This new programme aims to offer families and carers of autistic people high-quality and accessible autism information, education and coaching and is co-delivered by autistic people, families and carers.

Contact and Ambitious about Autism are the London and Midlands Regional Hub partners for the programme.