Tag: benefits

Showing 1-18 of 23

Scottish £10 bank note
Carer Support Payment rolled out to three new areas of Scotland this week

Thursday 27 June 2024

Three piles of coins on a desk next to calculator
Universal Credit: Managed Migration, your questions answered

Thursday 23 May 2024

Three stacked dice with smiley faces on them demonstrating satisfaction ratings.
Two child limit on benefits pushing families with disabled children further into poverty

Monday 13 May 2024

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt holding red briefcase
Benefit changes announced in yesterday’s budget

Thursday 7 March 2024

Hand putting money into a piggy bank
Contact’s advice secures benefits for parent carers

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Universal Credit sign on job centre window
Managed migration roll-out: your questions answered

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt walking down Downing Street
What the Budget 2023 means for families with disabled children

Thursday 16 March 2023

Infographic showing common myths about claiming DLA
It’s time to bust some myths about DLA!

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Parent with young child and baby looking at ipad on sofa
We love DLA – make sure you are not missing out

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Hand putting British coins into piggy bank with coins spread out around it.
Get 50% savings boost with Help to Save

Thursday 15 December 2022

mum hugging teenage boy
Carer’s Allowance £7 earnings limit rise lets down carers and limits choices once again

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Close up of British pound coins and 50 pence pieces
Families better off with Contact helpline’s financial advice

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Scottish £10 bank note
Scottish Child Payment increases to £20 per week from April

Monday 28 March 2022

A pile of British coins
One-off £500 payment announced for carers in Wales

Friday 25 March 2022

Close up of British pound coins and 50 pence pieces
Personal Independent Payment replacement in Scotland launched today

Monday 21 March 2022

Universal Credit sign on job centre window
High Court dismisses legal challenge to Universal Credit disabled student rules

Monday 31 January 2022

Royal Courts of Justice
High Court rules on Universal Credit transitional protection payments

Thursday 27 January 2022

A pile of British banknotes and coins
What is Child Disability Payment in Scotland? Find out in our Facebook Q&A

Monday 23 August 2021