2023-24 Contact & NNPCF Joint face to face Conference

Thursday 29 February 2024

Crowne Plaza Newcastle-Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3SA

Frequently Asked Questions

If you require this information in a different format, or if you have any questions that are not answered below, please email [email protected]

In this article

Conference Details

This year’s face to face conference is taking place on Thursday 29 February 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Newcastle – Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3SA.  Timings are confirmed as: arrival from 10.00am with a 10:30am conference start time, through until 4:00pm.  The Conference will be live streamed on the day and further details on how to per-register for the live streaming are available below.

How do I book my place at the face to face event?

Booking for the Conference is now closed, however if you would still like to join us, you can register to join the Live Streaming and join us from where ever you are. See below.

How do I attend the Live Streaming?

You can register in advance for the Live Streaming via Zoom – click here to register. It is important to register in advance where you can as this will mean we can plan for the number of facilitators needed on the Live Stream. Timings for the Live Stream are the same as the Face-to-Face Conference with a 10:30am start time, through until 4:00pm. There will also be a break for lunch and a refreshment break during the afternoon session.

Is the Conference agenda available?

A full agenda is now available to download. We can confirm that arrival and refreshments will be from 10:00am with a start time of 10:30am.  We aim to wrap up the Conference and close by 16:00pm.

Who is the face to face event aimed at?

The event is for parent carer forum members able to represent their forum and give feedback to their forum about the event.  Forums should give thought to who in their forum has the capacity to attend and who would gain from the experience, whilst giving preference to those members of their forum who have not been to a National Conference before. If a forum wishes to send a paid worker, who is not a parent carer, please contact your Parent Carer Participation Advisor before booking.

How many places are there per forum at the face to face event?

We want to welcome parent carers from as many forums as possible, as fairly as we can.  However, places are limited so we will accept bookings of 2 parent carers per forum, until we reach the maximum capacity.  Places will be offered on a first come first served basis.  Forums requesting more than two places will be added to the waiting list and will only secure additional places once forums requesting one or two places have all been allocated. Forum members not able to attend the face to face event, will be able to attend the live stream of the event on the day via their computer or smartphone.

What if at the last minute I cannot attend; can someone attend in my place?

It is possible for someone to attend in your place.  However, please notify us of the change at [email protected].  We do understand that circumstances beyond your control are unavoidable, and we will do our best to accommodate last minute changes.

Additional access needs.

At the point of booking, please let us know if you have any additional access needs and what you need to enable you to be fully included and we will do our best to accommodate reasonable adjustments to support your involvement and enjoyment of the event.  We will be in touch to discuss any individual requirements.


There will be light refreshments on arrival, a hot lunch, afternoon, and post event refreshments.  The venue will make every effort to meet dietary requirements. It is therefore vital that you complete the online booking form to notify us of your individual requirements.  If you have a food allergy or intolerance, please let us know your exact requirements via your booking form and we can liaise with the venue as necessary.  Once you have informed us of your requirements, you will receive specific confirmation by email that your requirements have been noted.  If you do not receive this confirmation email, please contact us at [email protected].  We will contact you directly if we require any further information.

Directions and Parking.

The Newcastle-Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne is just a 8 minute walk from Newcastle Rail Station. For directions and parking at Crowne Plaza, please see the hotel’s parking and transportation information.


The Crowne Plaza Newcastle-Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne offered attendees at this year’s conference a preferential accommodation rate, however this rate was for a limited time only and has now ended. 

Please note that alternative accommodation is available within the area, which may better suit your individual needs or budget, along with alternative booking sites etc. which may show different prices across all hotel options.

To book your place at the face to face Contact & NNPCF 2023-24 National Event on Thursday 29 February 2024 click here.