Confused about Carer’s Allowance? Ask us anything at our Facebook Q&A

2 mins read

Friday 17 March 2023

As a parent carer, you’ll already know that it costs more to raise a child with additional needs. This means getting the right financial help can make a real difference – especially when so many families are facing increased living costs.

That’s where Carer’s Allowance can help. As the main benefit for carers, it’s there to offer some financial support if you have a disabled child – but it can be confusing to understand.

That’s why we are inviting you to a special Q&A session with our advisers this Thursday 23 March, between 10-11:30am, in our private Facebook Group for parent carers!

This is a great chance to get our advice about:

  • Eligibility for Carer’s Allowance.
  • How to apply for it.
  • How it impacts on other benefits.
  • Whether you can still work and receive Carer’s Allowance.

How to join the Q&A

To take part, you must be a member of our Facebook Group. Simply answer the 3 membership questions when prompted, and one of our moderators will let you in!

Then, visit our Facebook Group anytime between 10-11:30am on 23 March to ask your question under our special Q&A post.

The session will be carried out in writing (not a live video). This means you don’t have to stay for the whole duration: just pop your question in the comments and then come back at a time that suits you to read our reply!

Can’t make Thursday?

Don’t worry, all the questions and answers asked during the session will be available to read in our Facebook Group once the Q&A has finished!

We also have lots of information about Carer’s Allowance and other benefits on our website.

Or take a look at our FAQs Tool for quick and reliable information about some of the most popular topics we get asked about.