How a Listening Ear call led to life-changing home adaptations

2 mins read

Thursday 12 January 2023

Tags: home adaptations, Contact lottery, donate, lottery, fundraising, listening ear

Holly, mum to five-year-old twins born prematurely, was drained and exhausted meeting the demands of two young children with additional needs. She wasn’t getting any sleep and needed more space in the family home for her suddenly much larger family.

Holly turned to Contact for help. She spoke to Shona, Contact’s adviser, by telephone on our Listening Ear service. This provides hour-long telephone appointments for parents to get emotional support and a shoulder to cry on, as well as practical advice on any aspect of raising a disabled child.

Shona gave Holly much needed space to talk and offload. She provided her with advice about sleep and signed Holly up to one of our in-demand workshops to learn about strategies to get a good bedtime routine.

During a subsequent call, Shona was also able to advise Holly about getting a grant for home adaptations. This has meant the family can get an extension for an extra bedroom, which will allow them to care for the twins safely at home.

“Contact’s expertise, support and never-ending knowledge of how to fight such a draining system is life-changing.”


Holly and her family is just one of thousands we’ve helped in the last year thanks to our generous supports.

Did you know our weekly lottery helps fund our vital services?

In 2020, we launched the Contact Weekly Lottery to help fund our vital work providing families with disabled children the best possible guidance and information.

Playing our lottery is a fun and exciting way to support Contact, and from just £1 a week, players can win up to £10,000!

What’s even more incredible is that most of our £1,000 and £10,000 jackpot winners have been parent carers who play to help other people like them. It’s fantastic when we call to tell them the good news!

You can support our work and have a chance of taking home the jackpot too, by playing the Contact Weekly Lottery.

Note: names have been changed and stock imagery used to respect privacy.