Parent carer forums come together for annual conference

2 mins read

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Tags: contact nnpcf conference, co-production, parent carer forums

Almost 300 parent carers came together this month for the virtual joint annual Contact and National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) conference.

The theme of the conference was “working together”. Throughout the conference week, parent carer forums attended virtual sessions on topics that came out as priorities in an NNPCF survey earlier this year.

Many of the sessions are available for you to watch on our dedicated conference page, and the highlights include:

We want to say thank you to the attendees who joined us live. We received some great feedback from forums:

“The mix of law/regulations, real life experiences and resources/information was really great. Thank you!!”

“This conference as a whole has been so informative – thank you.”

Get involved with your local parent carer forum

If you’re not already, have you thought about getting involved with your local parent carer forum?

Forums work with local authorities to make sure that local, regional, and national services best meet the needs of families of children and young people with SEND.

They represent the voice and experiences of those receiving services. And they make sure that service providers take account of them when planning, designing, implementing, and reviewing services. 

For14 years, Contact has worked with the Department for Education (DfE) to support the 152 forums in England.

We do this in a number of ways. We provide training and resources to forums, and we help them manage the DfE grants they are awarded to do the work they do.

Find out more about how Contact supports parent carer forums.