National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF

In this section, we look at the role of the NNPCF that all forums are a member of.

What is the National Network of Parent carer Forums?

The National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) is the independent, national voice for Parent Carer Forums across the nine Department for Education (DfE) regions in England, as listed below. The NNPCF was established in 2011, and became a Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2019. As a representative organization, we bring together all recognized local Parent Carer Forums (PCFs) across England.

The NNPCF’s role is to champion strategic parent carer participation at local level whilst working at a regional, and national level, ensuring that the voices of parent carers are heard in shaping policies and services.

Numbered map of the different regions in England

  1. North East
  2. Yorkshire & Humber
  3. North West
  4. East Midlands
  5. West Midlands
  6. East of England
  7. London
  8. South East
  9. South West      

Who runs the National Network of Parent carer Forums?

Board of Directors

The NNPCF is led by a Board of Directors, made up of 10 members, each appointed with the support of their regional PCF networks. Each member represents one of the nine Department for Education (DfE) regions. To ensure fair representation and manage the large number of local authorities in London, two regional members are appointed for this area.

Board members serve terms of four years. When applying to become a member, individuals can only apply for one term at a time, with a maximum of two four-year terms allowed.

Throughout their term, Board members must meet the eligibility criteria, which includes being a parent or carer of a child or young person with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0–25.

Board members are appointed as directors of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums CIC. In this role, they have legal responsibility for the organization’s operations and for ensuring timely submissions of required information to the relevant authorities.  (If there is a valid reason a Board member cannot be a director, being a director is not compulsory.)

The Board also appoints two Co-Chairs from amongst the Board members. These Co-Chairs act as ambassadors for the NNPCF, providing leadership and overseeing both the day-to-day operations and the longer-term strategy of the organization.

All Board members are parent carers with first hand experience in local Parent Carer Forums and are required to also be a strategic representative of their local Parent Carer Forum.

Operations Team

The Board is supported by a small, dedicated, and highly committed operations team. This team is responsible for managing essential tasks that ensure the smooth functioning of the NNPCF’s daily operations, enabling the organisation to effectively support and represent Parent Carer Forums and their members across and the views they gather across England.

National Representatives

The National Representatives Team includes all members of the NNPCF Board, as well as selected representatives from Parent Carer Forums from within each NNPCF region.

These National representatives support the work of the NNPCF by attending meetings and events on behalf of the NNPCF across all stakeholders.  To become a National Representative, the individual must be active in their region and strategic representative of their local Parent Carer Forum to ensure that they have a greater understanding of the needs of other areas.

How does the NNPCF represent the voice of local Parent Carer forums?

The NNPCF is committed to improving the lives of families with children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

We work to create a culture where families via Parent Carer Forums are actively involved in shaping services across education, health, social care, and the voluntary sectors. By including individuals with lived experience as equal partners, it ensures they have a say in how services are designed, delivered, and improved.

Our mission is to empower our Parent Carer Forums and in turn their members, so their voices are heard at every level—local, regional, and national. NNPCF Board members work closely with local Parent Carer Forums to understand their experiences and identify key issues. This ensures that we reflect the wide range of backgrounds, challenges, and needs of families in both regional and national discussions which inform decision-making.

The NNPCF aims to inspire our partners by sharing best practices, raising awareness of the challenges families face, and working collaboratively to find practical, solution-focused approaches. This commitment helps us create better opportunities and brighter futures for all children and young people with SEND and their families.

You can read more about how we work regionally and nationally below:

Regional Participation

The NNPCF are seeing more opportunities to work at a regional level, supporting commissioning activities and sharing good practices. This shift emphasizes the critical role of our Regional Parent Carer Forum Networks, in enabling strategic parent carer participation. By bringing local experiences to the table, these networks help ensure that regional activities address and reflect the needs of local communities.

Board Members – Regional Role

The primary role of NNPCF Board member, in each region, is to act as a bridge between local Parent Carer Forums and broader regional and national structures. They share information and represent the real-life experiences and challenges faced by local Parent Carer Forums and their members, ensuring these perspectives are included in wider regional and national discussions.  Along with feeding back information from the national work.

Regional Network Meetings

Each region holds Regional Parent Carer Forum meetings, which provide a platform for collaboration and communication. These meetings offer:

  • Updates: Information on the activities of the NNPCF Board and the National Representatives Team.
  • Feedback: Opportunities for the NNPCF Board member to hear about local issues affecting families and identify good practices.
  • Collaboration: A space for forums within the region to exchange ideas, share information, and work together.

Regional Network Meetings are tailored to each region’s unique makeup and the specific needs of their member forums. A key feature of these meetings is ensuring that local voices are heard and considered in both regional and national conversations, strengthening the connection between local and wider activities.

Each region operates differently, but most have area regional representatives who, like the national representatives, ensure that the voices of member Parent Carer Forums are heard at a wide range of regional meetings and events. They work closely with the NNPCF Board member for the region, to amplify these voices and represent local perspectives effectively.

Regional Networks and Collaboration

Participation at the regional level is increasingly important as local authorities, health commissioners, and service providers collaborate across regional boards, meetings, and networks to address shared priorities and challenges. Key organisations the NNPCF work with regionally include:

DfE Regional Directors
DfE Regional Directors work with local areas in their region to improve outcomes for children, families, and learners, focusing on areas such as children’s social care, SEND, schools, and area-based programs.

Regional SEND Groups

Every region has its own SEND networks which will include the NNPCF Board member for that region, local Parent Carer Forums, Health partners and Local Authorities.  These networks provide opportunities for Parent Carer Forums to hear about the collaborative work happening in their region and include opportunities to input into these activities.  Every region is structured slightly differently, so these networks vary region to region.

Provider Collaboratives
Provider collaboratives are partnerships of two or more NHS trusts (such as hospitals and mental health services) working together at scale to improve services and outcomes for their populations, including children and young people with SEND.

Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS)
The ADCS comprises leaders from children’s services departments within local authorities across England. They oversee a range of services for children, young people, and families, including education, health, youth programs, early years support, and social care.

Local Government Association (LGA)
The LGA represents local councils, giving them a strong voice in national policy discussions. It works to shape political decisions and supports councils in finding local solutions to national challenges.

NHS England Regional Teams (NHSE)
NHS England operates through seven regional teams that mostly align with the nine DfE regions. These teams support the 42 Integrated Care Systems (ICS), which are responsible for managing local NHS services, improving community health, and integrating health and social care services.

The Importance of Regional Collaboration

As collaboration at the regional level continues to grow, regional participation becomes even more vital. By ensuring that parent carer forums are actively involved, we can help shape and deliver services that meet the needs of the families we represent.

National Participation

Participation at the national level is vital for influencing legislation, policy, and guidance that shape services and support for families. By sharing the themed lived experiences and individual case studies to highlight the impact of the current SEND system, the NNPCF provides valuable insights, contributes to policy development, and helps drive decisions that lead to positive change. This ensures that the voices of parent carers are central to shaping policies and services that directly impact families.

The NNPCF is frequently invited to collaborate with the government and national organisations on key issues. This includes:

During these engagements, the NNPCF represents the lived experiences of its wider Parent Carer Forum members, ensuring decision-makers fully understand the challenges families face and the changes needed to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

Key Organisations the NNPCF Work With

Department for Education (DfE)
The DfE oversees children’s services and education in the UK, including early years, schools, higher and further education, and apprenticeships. Its policies aim to ensure high-quality education and support for all children, including those with SEND.

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
The DHSC develops health and social care policy in England, focusing on access to essential care. For children and young people with SEND, it supports policies that integrate health and social care, such as those delivered through Integrated Care Systems (ICS).

National health service NHS England
NHS England leads the National Health Service in England, ensuring high-quality healthcare services. It operates through seven regional teams that support the delivery of local NHS services via 42 Integrated Care Systems (ICS). These systems aim to improve community health and integrate health and social care for families with SEND.

Office for standards in Education, Children’s services and Skills (OFSTED) & Care quality commission (CQC)
OFSTED inspects services for education, skills, and children’s social care across England. Its inspections assess how well services meet the needs of children and young people with SEND, ensuring accountability and quality.
CQC monitor, inspects and regulates health and social care services.

In addition to these collaborations, the NNPCF partners with key stakeholders in the charity and voluntary sectors to drive innovation and improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND. Together, these efforts create better opportunities and services for families. Learn more about our work and recent contributions in the news section of our website.