Payroll giving

It’s easy to become a payroll giver to Contact – just click on the button below!

Sign up to payroll giving

Payroll Giving allows you to donate straight from your pay to us – it’s easy, safe and tax-friendly.

Donating through payroll giving costs you less and makes a bigger impact to us. It truly is a win-win!

For example, a £10 a month donation would only cost you £8. This is because payroll giving donations are deducted before tax, so we receive more money at no extra cost to you.

Any questions?

We are here to help. If you’d like to know more about how to become a Payroll Giver, please get in touch with our fundraising team on 020 7608 8786 or email [email protected].

The difference your gift makes


parent carers helped with information, advice and support


attended our workshops, family events & group sessions


feel better informed after receiving support from us


would recommend Contact to others

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