Campaigns & research

We influence policy and campaign so decision-makers tackle the inequalities faced by families with disabled children.

There are more than one million disabled children in the UK. Sadly, most face significant discrimination and inequalities across all areas of their lives.

Together with families we campaign to change this. Thank you to everyone who takes part in our campaigns.

I was just talking to my parents and saying what a comfort it has been to have Contact in our corner. Noah was so boosted by seeing himself on TV, and he feels like people care.”

Our latest campaigns

3 Asks to improve England’s SEN system

Contact’s 3 SEN Asks are designed to help the new government address the biggest shortcomings and challenges within the current system.

Find out more

Counting the Costs 2024

Our flagship research finds families with disabled children forced out of paid work and going without the basics.

Counting the costs

Contact’s social care asks

We believe the disabled children’s social care needs urgent reform in terms of the law, workforce and funding.


School transport

We are campaigning to close the loophole in the law that means disabled youngsters are often refused or charged for school transport


Be a change maker

Change Makers

Join a community of parent carers banding together to get their voices heard and make a difference.

Find out more

Our supporters

We would like to thank all the families who have campaigned tirelessly with us to achieve change this year. Together with you and our funders; Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the Pears Foundations, Motability Foundation. Along with individual donors we have made a difference to almost 500,000 families and disabled children.

“We are in awe at the effectiveness of your campaign. It seemed the best thing for us to do to help families during this very difficult time. A very well done to all the team who helped with the campaign!”