Health & medical information

Information about medical conditions, diagnosis and health services.

Browse this section


A-Z medical conditions

Rare conditions

All about genetics

All about diagnosis

Getting a diagnosis

Support when your child does not have a diagnosis

Developmental delay

Advice from other parents

Common concerns

Who do I speak to about concerns?

Behaviour that challenges

Helping you and your child sleep

Feeding and eating

Potty and toilet training

Speech, learning and movement

Dental care

Eye care

Hearing care

Infections and vaccines

Annual health checks

Health services

An introduction to health services

GPs & primary care

Hospitals & community services (secondary care)

Specialist services (tertiary care)

Appointment top tips

Putting things right

Moving to adult health services (England)

Finding medical information

Finding medical information online

About Contact’s medical information

How is our medical information checked?

Who sits on the MAP?

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We support families with a child with hemiplegia, from diagnosis and treatments to moving into adulthood.

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